Author page: admin

lowercase brands only | an introduction

lowercase brands only | an introduction let’s embark on a new topic, the ABC of marketing – alphabets, the brand and what they communicate. every observed brand defying the conventional rules of english? an onslaught on the application of language, if we may call them. this trend has risen since the internet became a household name. more so after digital…

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sonic identities | a conclusion

sonic identities | a conclusion sound: a sense that could dissolve barriers, and yet, when used cleverly, draws the exact boundaries a brand would need to send their message across! over the past 3 weeks, we have taken a sneak peek into a multitude of sonic identities from a variety of fields and sectors, each with their own movie-worthy origin…

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the intel 5-note bong | sonic identity #6

the intel 5-note bong | sonic identity #6 necessity is the mother of invention. you could say that this particular sonic identity was created out of necessity. a necessity. an idea. a stroke(or five!) of brilliance. the result? one of the most iconic sounds in the history of human progress with computing. Intel Corporation had made a breakthrough with manufacturing…

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“ting-ting-tiding!” | sonic identity #5

“ting-ting-tiding!” | sonic identity #5 what does a #biscuit brand sound like? by now, there’s 4 ‘tings’ rolling around in your mind: ting-ting-tiding! originally a jingle for one of their commercials, the tune stayed on long after the commercials have been forgotten, becoming britannia industries limited’s very own sonic identity. that’s not all this #sonic #asset grew to be… ask…

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isro space launch countdown | sonic identity #4

isro space launch countdown | sonic identity #4 it is astonishing how much voices can contribute to some of the most memorable milestones in our life, as an individual or together as a country! we write this with a rather heavy heart, as we mourn the passing of Mrs. Valarmathi N, whose voice rang out through the nation on the…

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