the intel 5-note bong | sonic identity #6
necessity is the mother of invention.
you could say that this particular sonic identity was created out of necessity.
a necessity. an idea. a stroke(or five!) of brilliance. the result? one of the most iconic sounds in the history of human progress with computing.
Intel Corporation had made a breakthrough with manufacturing and designing computing chipsets that could now be sold commercially and not just to manufacturers.
but how would you take it to the people? after all, commercials back then meant conveying a message and searing a brand into the minds of the viewer. surely, you couldn’t have sixty seconds of the intel logo on a screen…
enter Walter Werzowa. when the musician was presented with the problem and the tagline ‘intel inside’, he was immediately inspired to create a 5-note symphony. the inspiration for which came from the syllables of the tagline itself!
d flat. d flat. g flat. d flat. a flat.
the intel ‘bong’ was born. an identity that would be quick, short and easy for the masses to remember.
and remember we did. over the past 3 decades and over 20 iterations, there is only one brand that springs to mind when you hear the 5 bongs: Intel Corporation.
a sonic identity for the ages.
what other sonic identity do you know that took over the world in such a fashion?