sonic identities | a conclusion

sonic identities | a conclusion

sound: a sense that could dissolve barriers, and yet, when used cleverly, draws the exact boundaries a brand would need to send their message across!

over the past 3 weeks, we have taken a sneak peek into a multitude of sonic identities from a variety of fields and sectors, each with their own movie-worthy origin stories, thought processes and creative expressions, combining to provide an impact that would be much larger than the sum of their parts may lead you to believe.

whether it is producing cinema, bringing computing to the masses, feeding millions or a railroad system that connects every point of a country, sonic identities have played their roles. there are hundreds of such iconic identities that we could deconstruct and find magical stories and thoughts in!

do you own a growing brand? would a sonic identity help? if so, what would it sound like?

let’s find answers together! let’s talk!

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