lowercase brands only | an introduction
let’s embark on a new topic, the ABC of marketing – alphabets, the brand and what they communicate.
every observed brand defying the conventional rules of english? an onslaught on the application of language, if we may call them. this trend has risen since the internet became a household name. more so after digital momentum overtook reality.
in the next few stories, we will focus on how large, upright, conventional companies have become more friendly, casual and closer to their audiences and customers. from the mighty blue IBM to Facebook and banking giants like Citi and Mastercard…There’s something common among these and similar such brands.
welcome to ONLY lowercase brands.
yes, wonder how IBM became ibm or Facebook becoming just ‘f’ or facebook? let’s dive deeper and look at the thoughts, stories and people who made these decisions and their impact on their brand and marketing.
do you have a list of indian brands that have followed this trend?
share your thoughts here as we discuss this subject at length.
p.s. we will keep our own story on why at firebrand labs we are obsessed with lowercase for the last.