a telescopic view for design

A telescopic view for design

Design is just not about aesthetics. Designers are not just about photoshop, illustrator or any other design tool. Designers, according to my point of view, are complex problem solvers. The world needs these radical thinkers, now more than ever, as there are labyrinthine problems that are plaguing humanity. 

Food systems design:

811 million people were undernourished in 2020. According to the United Nations, the goal of ending hunger by 2030 will fall short by 660 million people. This will have adverse effects on the economy, cascading effects on public health and many other demerits. Hence, there will be more ventures such as project mineral in the years to come, that solves hunger.

Diversity solutions:

The world is diverse. Every time a product or service is created, there is this large spectrum of people who are left out. Be it neurodiversity or social diversity, solutions for marginalised communities are lacking big time. Project understood from google, might just be the tipping point as more companies start to create value for this group.

Calamity design:

As climate change is increasing the frequency of natural calamities and its impact on the people, the world needs designers for preparing systems before a natural calamity, during it & finally post one. designing for calamities will help save people’s lives.

Energy design:

Tidal, electric, wind, solar & nuclear energy are said to play pivotal roles in net-zero. The next decade will witness more companies solving for energy solutions. We will have designers anchoring the creation of electric aeroplanes, construction of tokamak reactors(nuclear fusion reactors), building floating windmills & solar solutions. The energy race is said to heat up and designers will be at the forefront.

Bio design: 

Can we use living trees to build bridges? The answer is, yes! Bio-design is the subset of design that employs the use of living beings to design solutions. Right from fungi to trees, we will see humans moving away from concrete jungles and living harmoniously with nature. Example, ficus elastica or the living bridge project.

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