“ting-ting-tiding!” | sonic identity #5

“ting-ting-tiding!” | sonic identity #5

what does a #biscuit brand sound like?

by now, there’s 4 ‘tings’ rolling around in your mind: ting-ting-tiding! originally a jingle for one of their commercials, the tune stayed on long after the commercials have been forgotten, becoming britannia industries limited’s very own sonic identity.

that’s not all this #sonic #asset grew to be… ask ritesh rana, head of HR for britannia industries limited, and he will tell you that it’s a way of life at britannia!

how does that work? to break down walls and make an efficient and collaborative force out of the team, the Britannia way brings 4 ‘tings’ to the fore: inviting those with experience, igniting their journey immediately with responsibilities, creating careers by ensuring a healthy and growth-oriented feedback environment and respecting the team and individuals alike.

a truly unique case where the sonic asset grew not just to represent the biscuit brand of choice for millions of indians, but also the employer brand and values that britannia stands for! a monumental growth in significance!

who knew that the sonic identity we hummed and sang, grew to represent the culture that binds a family of thousands that feeds millions more?

know of a sound with a story? hit us up in the comments! we’re watching… and listening!

you can read more about the sonic identity and ritesh rana’s account of britannia’s culture on Forbes here.

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