we turned 15 this year! read our story here.



a person who is very passionate about a particular cause

have you read the book, po: beyond yes and no?

it talks about a world beyond the obvious. beyond a yes and no. this world, the work we do and our own lives are far beyond the limited options of a yes and no. it has many dimensions. infinite possibilities.

to think possibilities, we need to be trained to think creatively. to look beyond the obvious. to seek what most of us do not notice. that is an art.

we are diverse. our multicultural and academic backgrounds are equally diversified. trained to think creative. over the past decade, we have thought through colors, words and emotions. through strong research and insights, we set narratives for your ideas and your brands.

together let us explore possibilities.

design thinking x design thinking
php + databases = strong backend
dependability x competence = timely outputs
rajaram muthukrishnan

Rajaram Muthukrishnan is a Director of Voice Snap Services Pvt. Ltd., a Chennai based IT solutions company specializing in innovative voice-based solutions. A chartered insurer from Chartered Insurance Institute UK, he also holds an MBA degree. He has held various leadership roles across the world. Strong on strategic planning, Rajaram is also an impeccable entrepreneur working towards an entrepreneurial revolution in India. As an advisor, he mentors our senior leadership on growth, governance and exploring partnerships.

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our values

why not?

we question the norm.

we explore possibilities.

our dynamic team is always ready for the next big challenge.

take on goliath

we have no inhibitions

we are nimble

we work around the constraints by putting our brains to work.

radically honest

we don't faff around

we make no compromise

we lay everything on the table threadbare,
giving all stakeholders a clear picture

intensely authentic

we don’t blindly follow fads

we celebrate individuality

one thing our team and our brands have in common is a strong personality

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are you a firebrand? join our team.
